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PP Mat

Grafisk-Handel PP MatGrafisk-Handel PP Mat

    Statki w ciągu 1 dni
    Color Europe PP mat 150 grams - 42" x 30 meters
    Varenr.: 12201
    Color Europe PP mat is a 150 g/m² printer paper made of polypropylene.
    Polypropylene is a plastic material that makes your prints tear resistant and can withstand being outdoors for shorter periods.
    Therefore, this PP media can be used both indoors and outdoors.

    Our Color Europe PP mat is often used for e.g. posters, A-signs, roll-ups, mounting on dibond, so it can be used for many different tasks.

    Width: 106,7 cm (42")
    Length of roll: 30 m
    • 335,00  PLN (bez VAT)
    Statki w ciągu 1 dni
    Color Europe PP mat 150 grams - 36" x 30 meters
    Varenr.: 12202
    Color Europe PP mat is a 150 g/m² printer paper made of polypropylene.
    Polypropylene is a plastic material that makes your prints tear resistant and can withstand being outdoors for shorter periods.
    Therefore, this PP media can be used both indoors and outdoors.

    Our Color Europe PP mat is often used for e.g. posters, A-signs, roll-ups, mounting on dibond, so it can be used for many different tasks.

    Width: 91,4 cm (36")
    Length of roll: 30 m
    • 287,00  PLN (bez VAT)
    Statki w ciągu 1 dni
    Color Europe PP mat 150 grams - 24" x 30 meters
    Varenr.: 12203
    Color Europe PP mat is a 150 g/m² printer paper made of polypropylene.
    Polypropylene is a plastic material that makes your prints tear resistant and can withstand being outdoors for shorter periods.
    Therefore, this PP media can be used both indoors and outdoors.

    Our Color Europe PP mat is often used for e.g. posters, A-signs, roll-ups, mounting on dibond, so it can be used for many different tasks.

    Width: 61 cm (24")
    Length of roll: 30 m
    • 192,00  PLN (bez VAT)
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