• Tylko 22 PLN za wysyłkę*Tylko 22 PLN za wysyłkę do 20 kg na terenie UE*.
  • +45 3686 8080Pon-Pia 08-16:00
  • Profesjonalny serwisOtrzymujesz profesjonalną wiedzę na temat wszystkich naszych produktów
  • Recenzje z ponad 4 gwiazdkamiNasi klienci wystawiają nam ponad 4 recenzje
+45 3686 8080 Pon-Pia 08-16.00
0,00 PLN

Zwijany baner z napisem "Blocker"

Grafisk-Handel roll-up-banner med «blocker»Grafisk-Handel Baner roll-up z napisem "Blocker"

    Statki w ciągu 10 dni
    Grafisk-Handel Roll-up banner med lysblokker 150 gram - 42" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 12210
    Color Europe Roll-up banner 150 g/m² PP banner with light blocks on the back.
    The light block prevents backlighting coming through your roll up, so it can make it harder to see.
    It is used for roll-up banners that need to be near a light source or window.
    The back of the light blocker is grey.

    Width: 106.7 cm (42")
    Length of roll-up: 30 m
    • 953,00  PLN (bez VAT)
    Statki w ciągu 10 dni
    Grafisk-Handel Roll-up banner med lysblokker 150 gram - 36" x 30 meter
    Varenr.: 12211
    Color Europe Roll-up banner 150 g/m² PP banner with light blocks on the back.
    The light block prevents backlighting coming through your roll up, so it can make it harder to see.
    It is used for roll-up banners that need to be near a light source or window.
    The back of the light blocker is grey.

    Width: 91.4 cm (36")
    Length of roll-up: 30 m
    • 814,00  PLN (bez VAT)
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