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+45 3686 8080 Pon-Pia 08-16.00
0,00 PLN

Color Europe Matt coated 180 gram - 44 meter rulle

Color Europe Matt coated 180 gram - 44 meter rulle
  • Cena za 1 szt  PLNbez podatku VAT i wkładu ekologicznego
Oczekiwany czas dostawy: 14 dni
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Beskrivelse af Color Europe Matt coated 180 gram - 44 meter rulle

  • Are you looking for a paper that offers high quality at a low price per square metre? Then our own Matt coated 180 grams could be for you. The
    paper has a matt double coated surface, which means that the paper can absorb larger amounts of colour, creating greater depth in your prints.
    The roll contains 44 metres, which can lead to an efficiency increase in your daily work, as you can now make do with fewer shifts during your production.
    The paper is well suited for the production of posters, presentation material and photos.
    This paper is a good alternative to our own Poster paper, if you are looking for a lower price per square metre.
    If you are sending in poster tubes, the paper can easily be rolled into 2" or 3" tubes.

    How to

    Simply follow the steps below.

    1. Enter the desired width
    2. Select the desired quantity.

    If you are interested in seeing the quality and surface of the paper, we recommend ordering one of our Color Europe sample fans.
  • Kup więcej i zaoszczędź

    Aby otrzymać rolki przycięte na wymiar, należy zamówić co najmniej 20 rolek. Im więcej rolek w zamówieniu, tym lepsza cena za metr kwadratowy.
    Dlatego zaleca się starannie rozważyć liczbę rolek w zamówieniu. Rolki będą łatwo dostępne w magazynie przez dłuższy okres czasu.
    Uwaga! Wszystkie papiery dostarczane są na paletach.
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